General FAQ

Why does Yamp exist ?

Yamp Finance enables Indirect Liquidity Providing, meaning liquidity providers can lend funds to other providers who use them to earn AMM yields and then share the returns with the lender.

What problems does Yamp solve ?

Most yield farmers (also called AMM Liquidity Providers) are looking for a way to eliminate impermanent loss and still earn yield. Other yield farmers are looking for a way to increase their returns and aren’t as concerned about impermanent loss. Yamp solves both of these problems by allowing risk-averse farmers to lend funds to risk-tolerant farmers.

What problems does Yamp solve ?

Most yield farmers (also called AMM Liquidity Providers) are looking for a way to eliminate impermanent loss and still earn yield. Other yield farmers are looking for a way to increase their returns and aren’t as concerned about impermanent loss. Yamp solves both of these problems by allowing risk-averse farmers to lend funds to risk-tolerant farmers.

What networks does Yamp operate on?

Yamp will initially run on the Binance Smart Chain network, with plans to cover Ethereum and Polygon pairs.

How does Yamp generate yield for users?

Liquidity providers on AMMs (like PancakeSwap) earn yield from transaction fees and liquidity mining. Yamp allows users to greatly increase or decrease the risk and returns of these yields.

Last updated